Watsons Haul A.K.A. The Unintentional Haul
"So I went shopping today"...Isn't that how these things usually start?
Not this time. Shopping was not what I had in mind when I went to buy just one thing. UGH I can't believe I bought so many things I wasn't even meaning to buy that day.

I went to WATSONS yesterday to buy lipbalm. Just lipbalm.
But then my brain started to think "Oh. Why not just look around and see what they have? You know you want to. We're just gonna look, swears" . Fully knowing that I will for sure buy something other than the lip balm, I still obliged my very convincing brain.
It took me a while to choose what kind of lipbalm and what brand to use. I've tried Maybelline in Cherry and the Nivea in Cherry/Raspberry so I wanted to try a new one. But since I'm looking for one with a slight tint to it I didn't try the (very hyped about) Maybelline Baby Lips since the sales assistant said they don't have any color. (Is that true?) So I went ahead and bought the NIVEA Rose since the label read it had a Rose-tint sheen.
I was bamboozled.
It didn't have any tint. :( But it was moisturizing...I think.
When I had about two products in my basket, I basically just put more products in that I "needed".
BOOM. Hello P600.00 receipt. I'm sick to my stomach thinking that I spent so much in one day, in one store for beauty stuff. Even if I do like all my purchases. To think that I've bought more and spent more in my other haul that unfortunately got deleted because the pictures were gone.
- - Ever Bilena Liquid Liner in Black ( I've been meaning to buy a liquid liner )
- - Ever Bilena Advanced line Clear Mascara (For my brows)
- - Nivea Lip Balm in Soft Rose
- - Ever Bilena VCO Hand and Body Lotion
- - Sunsilk co-creations hair creme ( I wanted to give this a try since it's more affordable than the serum one, which I like )
- - Monea Curl Defining Milk ( For my sister )
- - Caime Hair Gel ( I usually just curl my hair with a curler and after an hour they're gone, so this, I like )
- - Watsons's Hair brush
The lady at the Ever Bilena counter gave me a free VCO lotion in White Tea and Coconut Milk. It smells soooo good. ( If you like the smell of Olive Oil and Coconut ) It was only given to customers who buy P300+ from them but she still gave it to me even if I only bought two things and didn't hit the P300 mark.
She was super nice too and very helpful. I can't say the same thing to the Nichido lady next to the Ever Bilena stall, because when I was asking her about concealers she made the mistake of adding that I needed it because I needed to conceal my pimples. And then proceeded to tell me where on my face is the highest concentration of pimples. Nice.
I was actually gonna use it under my eyes. But she just had to say that. I do own a mirror, I kinda know I have pimples.
I was actually gonna use it under my eyes. But she just had to say that. I do own a mirror, I kinda know I have pimples.
P.S. She also looked bored out of her wits and was the least bit helpful...well, except for the pimple concealing part.
P.P.S. My heart still feels heavy because of yesterday's purchases.
P.P.P.S. Don't worry. I'll live.