
Bibimbap Bibimbap I love you Bibimbap

by - 20 January

Somebody stop me from making a jingle about this scrumptiously-delicious-crunchy-sweet-chewy-salty-smoky-mouthwatering-heart-stopping-pain-inflicting rice bowl.

I just had Bibimbap and if you don't know this fairly humble Korean dish you must be living outside of Asia or somewhere without any Korean restaurant whatsoever.

There are a lot of variations to this “mixed rice” regarding the ingredients but you can bet there’s vegetables and rice in it. This actually came to be my favorite Korean dish next to Kimchi {which isn't really a dish itself because it's really just a side dish, but who cares, not me, no siree}

The Bibimbap that I had, had some sautéed vegetables like carrots and onions, barbequed beef/pork, crab sticks, bean sprouts, nori strips a half-cooked egg in the middle {I think it's either fried or half-cooked} with sesame seeds on top.

Here's the actual traditional Bibimbap ingredient list: http://koreanfood.about.com/od/riceandnoodlerecipes/r/Bibimbap.htm

It's a pretty simple dish as you can see from the ingredients, just some meat, eggs and vegetables and most of the cooking is either frying or sautéing , but I think that's what makes it so good; The simplicity of it all {Ooh look at me being all deep and shit}.

Now I know fairly well, that what I had will pale in comparison to actual fresh ingredients and/or the authentic kind, since what I had in the picture were closing-time-food {they were in the process of closing up when we ordered} and it's of the fast-food kind.

I have no beef against fast-food {except Mc Donalds and other restaurants of the like. The junk they put in their food is just appalling. And this fast-food Bibimbap is 100x better for sure} but I know for a fact that no matter how I liked it, the ingredients used were for mass-fast consumption.

I will definitely come back for more, you bet, but definitely at an earlier time when the ingredients like the veg still have some life in them. {I like my veg crunchy}

The service was good. The cooks really knew what they were doing, flippin' them woks and shit. One of the cooks was nice as well, because he accommodated me enthusiastically which was admirable since they were cleaning up already but still he managed to smile for a customer though I can't say the same for the cashier. {I can tell she really loves her job, with that dead-pan face and dry sub-standard customer service}

I had this fairly generous serving of Bibimbap at Kim N Chi, at Robinson's Galleria's Food court area. For real, the bowl was huge. And for P120, it's worth every penny.

Their dishes are very affordable and very reasonably priced. If you have P200 you're pretty much set for anything on their menu.

What you do is mix the bowl with your spoon until it becomes  a very appetizing hodge-podge of colors and textures {mmmm}.Or you can eat is as is, the way it was served to you.

Have you tried this dish? What do you think?
Are you going to try it?

Thumbs up for this post's colorful vocabulary?

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