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Empties #2 : Products I'd never repurchase + One okay product
1. Essence - Get Big Lashes (non-waterproof)
One thing's for sure -- The brush was too big for my eyes, or for regular lashes. It also didn't provide the 'volume boost' it claimed for my straight and sparse lashes. I would imagine this working much much better for fuller lashed people who don't need a lot of volume.
It wasn't waterproof too so at the end of the day I'd ponder if I'd put on eyeliner while getting ready.
2. Elf - Clear mascara for brows and eyelashes
Works well enough. Not a lot of product though compared to other brands, because I went through this fairly quickly I think.
PS. I used both sides for my eyebrows.
3. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Astringent (Blue variant)
After reading and watching a TON of reviews praising this as their 'cheap' 'holy-grail' tonic I decided to finally try it. Thinking this blue one would be the same as the yellow labeled one I've been hearing about I got a small bottle instead to try.
This gave my little pimply bumps all over. Thinking it was only the 'purging' phase (phase wherein you so desperately want something to work for you that you brand it as your skin... 'adjusting') I pushed on. But after a few weeks I decided to stop. Within a few days my skin looked a lot better and I chalked this one up as things-that-work-for-everyone-else-except-for-me type of incidents.
What have you finished up lately? Anything you can recommend? Let me know below!
One thing's for sure -- The brush was too big for my eyes, or for regular lashes. It also didn't provide the 'volume boost' it claimed for my straight and sparse lashes. I would imagine this working much much better for fuller lashed people who don't need a lot of volume.
It wasn't waterproof too so at the end of the day I'd ponder if I'd put on eyeliner while getting ready.
2. Elf - Clear mascara for brows and eyelashes
Works well enough. Not a lot of product though compared to other brands, because I went through this fairly quickly I think.
PS. I used both sides for my eyebrows.
3. Dickinson's Witch Hazel Astringent (Blue variant)
After reading and watching a TON of reviews praising this as their 'cheap' 'holy-grail' tonic I decided to finally try it. Thinking this blue one would be the same as the yellow labeled one I've been hearing about I got a small bottle instead to try.
This gave my little pimply bumps all over. Thinking it was only the 'purging' phase (phase wherein you so desperately want something to work for you that you brand it as your skin... 'adjusting') I pushed on. But after a few weeks I decided to stop. Within a few days my skin looked a lot better and I chalked this one up as things-that-work-for-everyone-else-except-for-me type of incidents.
What have you finished up lately? Anything you can recommend? Let me know below!