To be honest while I do know about Physiogel, I've never used it before. I have sensitive skin but Physiogel has never crossed my mind as a possible solution to my skin dilemmas (dry patches, allergic reactions, redness/rosacea etc). One major reason being lack of information.
Good thing I was invited by First Tier Branding Solutions (thanks guys!) to learn more about the brand. #IgotSchooled
Last July 15, 2015 at Shangri-La Manila - Makati, I was invited to the unveiling of the new Physiogel look and introduction of the #FreeInMySkin movement along with a fun quiz. (more about that later)
I was formally introduced to GSK (Glaxo Smith Kline) and its flagship skin health brand Physiogel and what they stand for.
- GSK is one of the world's leading research-based pharmaceutical and healthcare company and is commited to improving helping people do more, feel better and live longer.
- Physiogel is no. 1 most-prescribed brand by Dermatologists.
- Contains Physiogel Biomimic Technology® that works to soothe and repair the skin's natural moisture barrier.
- Non-comodegenic and Free from soap, preservatives, colorants and fragrance.
Physiogel's latest campaign aims to enable Filipinas to be self-aware and free themselves from skin insecurities like dry and sensitive skin.

71% and 61% of Filipinas have sensitive face and body skin, respectively.
Patti Gradidge (TV host, model/entrepreneur and blogger) admitted that having dry and sensitive skin held her back a little as she would always be thinking of what others see/ would say about her skin. Needless to say Physiogel changed all that.
The fun little quiz they added to their campaign gives you a list of things (ala bucketlist) to do to be more confident and free. Took the quiz twice just to see if I'll get a different result. Take the quiz too!
My results!
Still got the same result but I don't mind at all. I like it! Although the list changed a little so that's nice. It doesn't have the same five items for each personality.
Thanks for the invite! Currently loving the dermo-cleanser and my sister is thoroughly enjoying cream.
PS. Have you heard about Physiogel?
PPS. Do you have sensitive and/or dry skin? What have you used to remedy it?
Feel free to leave your thoughts or URLS to your page!