Wigs essentially cover your whole head while extensions cling to hair you have. Both are used aesthetically and can be customized to fit ones needs/look etc.
Disclosure : Sponsored post but as always thoughts are all mine.
Whatever your reason might be (thinning hair/baldness/changing up your look), you want to know which wig would be better for you. Here's a little breakdown of how to choose wigs via type of construction and/or type of hair.
Wigs via construction:
Is a wig where there is a 'U' shaped opening where you can pull your natural hair through, creating a more natural transition from your real hair and wig.

L(lace)-Part / Lace front / Lace cap / Full lace
It has a 'see-through- lace section where your own scalp shows through creating a natural hair line or 'realistic parting'.

Wigs via hair type:
Of course there are synthetic and human-hair ones. You might think, human-hair is obviously the right way to go but we've come a long way from really obvious 'oh you're wearing a wig' wigs. Synthetic haired wigs are looking more and more natural there's barely a difference from great quality synthetic from human hair wigs.

If you're worried about the wig not looking like real hair, there are nice ones out there that won't break the bank.
Have you ever tried wigs? Extensions? What do you think about wigs in general or people who use them like an 'accessory' not as a 'necessity'?
Image source/s : Divatress.com, Trelogganwigs.co.uk
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